jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Los 50 discos favoritos de Kurt Cobain

Gente, hace poco me enteré que, en su diario personal, Kurt escribió cuales eran sus discos favoritos. Además, encontré comentarios que hizo Kurt de los discos Les dejo acá la lista para que la miren y vean que onda.

1. The Stooges - Raw Power

2. Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Kurt saids: "A die-cast metal fossil of misplaced draft, with or without the fucking production. Everyone who has ever commented on 'Surfer Rosa' has said that the production's amazing. I agree with that, but the songs are so strong that it wouldn't have mattered if you'd listened to it through a boom-box.
I was completely nihilistic up until about four or five years ago, when I first heard this. It changed my attitude. It made me finally admit, after being into punk rock for so many years, that I finally liked other stiles as well. It made me finally admit that I'm a music lover. Their music reminded me of the music that I always wanted to do - and was doing - before I got into punk rock eight or nine years ago."
3. The Breeders - POD
4. The Vaselines - Son Of A Gun
Kurt saids: "I just have this feeling Eugene and Frances had a really cool relationship. I don't know if that's true or not, but I think it's a really amazing thing when a couple can get on together and write some of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. They're kind of sharing their life with people. Eugene and Frances are the Captain & Tennille of the underground."
5. The Shaggs - Philosophy Of The World
Kurt saids: "It's so obviously the real thing. I heard this one live song - a Carpenters song, maybe? - where they must have been playing a day centre, and the screams in the background are louder than the music. The Shaggs are another archetypal K band."
6. Fang - Landshark
7. MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops
8. Scratch Acid - Scratch Acid
9. Saccharine Trust - Paganicons
10. Butthole Surfers - Pee Pee The Sailor
11. Black Flag - My War
12. Bad Brains - Rock For Light
13. Gang Of Four - Entertainment!
14. Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks
Kurt saids: "A million times more important than The Clash. How do I explain that? Hmm. Both were always a bad imitation of The Rolling Stones, in love with America. But at least they took their girlfriends on tour with them (The Slits). Their music was terrible, though. I blame Sandinista! for not letting me get into punk until years after I should have done - it was so bad.
The Pistols' album has the best production of any rock record I've ever heard. It's totally in-your-face and compressed. All the hype The Sex Pistols had was totally deserved - they deserved everything they got. Johnny Rotten was the one I identified with, he was the sensitive one.
The only reason I might agree with people calling our band "The Sex Pistols of the 90's" is that, for both bands, the music is a very natural thing, very sincere. But in terms of influence, fuck, no! Rock is too exhausted for that. We haven't produced a totally original sound like that. We might be uncompromising, but that's about it. We're an obvious metamorphosis."
15. The Frogs - It's Only Right And Natural
16. PJ Harvey - Dry
17. Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
18. The Knack - Get The Knack
19. The Saints - Know Your Product
20. Kleenex - Kleenex/Liliput
21. The Raincoats - The Raincoats
22. Young Marble Giants - Colossal Youth
Kurt Saids: "The music relaxes you, it's total atmospherics. It's just nice, pleasant music. I love it. The drum machine has to have the cheesiest sound ever. We're going to be on a Young Marble Giants compilation, doing 'Credit In The Straight World'. I had a crush on the singer for a while - didn't everyone?
I didn't know much about them - the Moxham brothers, right? I heard they might be getting back together again recently. Isn't it weird how, when you hear something like that, you still get excited, even though you know you shouldn't?"
23. Aerosmith - Rocks
24. Various - What is it?
25. R.E.M. - Green
26. Shonen Knife - Burning Farm
Kurt saids: "This was the first cassette that came out on K. Eventually, after a week of listening to it every day, I started crying. That's how much it affected me. I just couldn't believe that three people from a totally different culture could write songs as good as those, because I'd never heard any other Japanese music or artist who ever came up with anything good.
Everything about them is just so fucking endearing. They're not too cute! That's part of the charm. Do I think there's a paedophiliac element to their appeal? I think in Japanese culture in general there's a paedophiliac element - most of the women there dress op as young girls. It's weird.
I'm sure that I was twice as nervous to meet them as they were to meet us. I didn't want to offend or scare them in any way, because I know I'm a scruffy, slimy person who might scare them off - and that's exactly what I did. They were afraid of me. In fact, on one of our first dates together, they saw me walking towards them and they screamed at the top of their voices, turned around and ran away, and then peeked their heads out of their dressing room. I was trying to reassure them that I was harmless. The communication we had with them was deathly silence and a lot of smiling.
In many ways, they're the ultimate K band, because they are sincere, they are real. They don't' purposely put their guitars out of tune and they don't purposely sing out of tune."
27. The Slits - Typical Girls
28. The Clash - Combat Rock
29. Void/Faith - Void/Faith/Split EP
30. Rites Of Spring - Rites Of Spring
31. Beat Happening - Jamboree
32. Tales Of Terror - Tales Of Terror
33. Leadbelly - Last Sessions Volume 1
Kurt saids: "William Burroughs turned me onto that guy. He said that if you want to hear true honest music, you should hear Leadbelly. The songs are just amazing heartfelt.
Leadbelly was this poor black man in the early 1900s who went to jail a few times for wife-beating and robbery and getting into fights and bootlegging liquor. While he was is in prison, he started playing the guitar, and he sang so well that the governor started to like him, and let him out of jail. Leadbelly became an apprentice with Blind Lemon Jefferson and started recording songs, but none of the commercial recordings he made ever captured his true essence, except for these late sessions. They happened when this guy who'd been following his career for a few years caught him on a two-track tape recorder one night when they were hanging out at this hotel. It's just really cool.
I hope that my songs approximate that honesty. That's what I strive for. He was like the first punk rocker: he'd get into town, walk into an all-white bar, try to have a drink, get beat up and then go to jail because of it. So it's really cool to hear this music, especially the air of the recordings themselves, because it's so eerie to hear it on this crackly two-track.
But that's what Folkway records are like - they're awesome. They even have the entire Watergate tapes available as a 10-album set. I'm gonna get a Folkways tattoo next to my Black Flag tattoo."
34. Mudhoney - Superfuzz Bigmuff
35. Daniel Johnston - Yim Jump Music
36. Flipper - Generic Flipper
37. The Beatles - Meet The Beatles
38. Half Japanese - We Are They Who Ache With Amorous Love
Kurt saids: "I like to listen to Jad Fair and Half Japanese with headphones on, walking around shopping malls - in the heart of the American culture. I just think that, if people could hear this music right now, they'd melt, they wouldn't know what to do, they'd start bouncing off the walls and hyperventilating. So I turn up the music really loud and pretend it's blasting through the speakers in the mall."
39. Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician
40. Black Flag - Damaged
41. Fear - The Record
42. Pil - Flowers Of Romance
43. Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back
44. The Marine Girls - Beach Party
45. David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World
46. The Wipers - Is This Real?
47. The Wipers - Youth Of America
48. The Wipers - Over The Edge
Kurt saids: "Is This Real? Yes it is. The Wipers released maybe four or five albums. The first two were totally classic and influenced The Melvins and all the other punk rock bands. They're one of the bands I tried to assimilate. Their songs were so good. Greg Sage was pretty much the romantic, quiet, visionary kind of guy. What more can I say about them? They started Seattle grunge rock in Portland, 1977."
49. Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly
50. Swans - Young God EP

Bueno, como se puede ver, Kurt tenía principalmente influencias de punk (Sex Pistols, The Clash, Black Flag, etc.), el todavía no titulado rock alternativo (Pixies, Breeders, REM), más algunas cosas como Beatles, Aerosmith o David Bowie. La verdad, se nota en su música la agresividad y la furia del punk y lo melodico de Beatles o David Bowie. Para cerrar ,les dejo un par de temazos de los 5 discos favoritos de Kurt.



The Breeders - Kim Deal idola

The vaselines

The Shaggs

Mr Stardust

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Crítica: Discos de Massacre Parte 2

Gente, acá les dejo la segunda parte de la crítica a los discos de Massacre. En esta ocasión, la crítica va para los discos de lo que podríamos llamar la segunda parte de la historia de Massacre; ya sin el Topo Armetta, ex bajista, fundador y con quien Walas compartía la autoría de las letras (según dijo en la revista Rooling Stone). Después de la ida del topo, Massacre cambió su sonido a uno que podríamos decir no tan oscuro y bastante más radial. Bueno, acá van las criticas:

Aerial - Massacre

En este disco claramente Massacre hace un cambio importante en su sonido. Abandona la oscuridad de los discos anteriores y se centra en un sonido mucho más hard rockero clásico, sin dejar de lado la psicodelia y la locura mental que caracteriza el grupo (aunque la dosis de psicodelia es menor en este disco).

El disco tiene, según mi visión, una gran cantidad de temas muy buenos para el oido rockero promedio. El disco empieza con una alta dosis de hard rock en los tres primeros temas "Angelica", "Llena de Fe", y "La Respuesta es fácil". Después viene un tema clásico de Massacre y con mix de hard rock, psicodelia y locura mental: "Te leo alreves". Luego la psicodelia gana lugar en los temas siguientes; "Cuasi-delictual", "Minicubics" y el instrumental "Ascención". Después viene un dúo de temas bien hardrockeros: "No puedo dejar" y "Ella me sigue". El noveno tema es otro clásico de massacre, un tema medianamente tranka que se llama "Te arrepiento". Luego viene un tema con bastante psicodelia y con una letra muy flashera que trata sobre la perrita que los soviéticos mandaron al espacio; "Laika se va". Y el cierre es con broche de oro, con la monumental opera rock "Ana", dividida en tres etapas, una mejor que la otra. Para finalizar, como tema oculto está "You really got me" de The Kinks.

Bueno, después de este repaso general, les comento que este es uno de los discos más logrados de la banda de Walas, y la verdad que esta bárbaro. Clasificación máxima para este discazo.


Singles + Covers + Rarities - Massacre

Este es un disco recopilatorio que sacaron los Massacre, donde justamente hay un rejunte de singles, covers y rarezas; más un tema inédito que se llama "El alma en la barca", que honestamente a mi mucho no me gusta.

De los covers tengo que destacar los logradísimos "Estallando desde el oceano" de SUMO y "Complete Control" de The Clash. También están muy buenos los covers de los temas "Streeping Stone" de The Monkees y "Someday Nevers Comes" de Creedense; los cuales Massacre ya tocaba hace años. No me gustan las versiones de "Eighteen" de Alice Cooper; el tema original es mucho mejor y Massacre no logro la oscuridad y el poder del tema del gran Alice; ni tampoco me gusto la versión de "Helter Skelter" de los Beatles; donde Walas se manda altos gallos con la vos, honestamente.

En definitiva, calculo que al rockero promedio le parecerá un disco medianamente aceptable, pero es un disco con rarezas totales para los fanáticos de Massacre. Clasificación media.


12 nuevas patologias - Massacre

Ante ultimo disco de estudio que saco Massacre por ahora. El álbum es conceptual, encontrándose en él diversas patologías; como la culpa, obsesiones, fobias y miedos. Este disco tiene como concepto la súper utilización de la psicodelia, poniendo en primer plano la síper efectada viola de Pablo M, con letras súper locas de parte de Walas.

El disco empieza con un tema sobre las drogas llamado "Adiós caballo español", con una letra muy loca y con riffes de guitarra súper psicodelicos. Después, el corte de difusión del disco, que tiene un estilo más hardrockero, pero igual psicodelico, "Querida Eugenia". Para el tema 5 y 8 vienen dos clásicos de la banda, donde la psicodelia impera: "Seguro es por mi culpa" y "Sofia, la super vedette", y su super loca letra. El cierre del disco es súper destacado, con el gran solo del Tordo en "Ambas estatuas", y con el poder y la locura mental del tema "Gilda Manson", que según entiendo yo habla sobre un chabón religioso que esta re loco.

En definitiva, el disco esta bastante bueno y es una propuesta nueva de los Massacre en cuanto al sonido. Pero comparando con los discos anteriores este está por debajo de las expectativas. Otra cosa que me parece, es que la psicodelia es excesiva. En definitiva, me parece un buen disco, clasificación media.


Diferentes Maneras - Massacre

Bueno, acá nos encontramos con un disco en vivo que graba Massacre allá por el 2003. Me parece que Massacre sacó este disco en el momento justo, ya que acá se registran con mejor calidad de sonido las nuevas versiones de los viejos temas de Massacre.

El disco recorre una importante cantidad de los temas más aclamados de los Massacre, y además muestra el poder, la psicodelia y el súper sonido de Massacre en vivo. Además, aparece en primer plano el súper carisma de Walas, que como frutillita del postre entre tema y tema tira frases que te hacen cagar de risa, reflexionar y/o incoherencias totales, dándole al show un tono cuasi teatral, como el mismo Walas dijo.

El disco esta buenísimo, incluso a varios amigos míos que no les gusta tanto la banda y les gusta en particular este disco; porque no es tan psicodelico, con un tono más hardrockero/punk en los temas. Una clasificación muy buena para el disquito.


Para ver la crítica al disco "El Mamut", entrá acá: critica hard rock nacional

Como reflexión final, les quería decir que me pone muy contento el tardío pero gran reconocimiento que logró la banda de Walas y Pablo M después de batallar en el under por aproximadamente 20 años, y tocando solo para un grupo selecto. Comprendo cierta indignación de los seguidores primeros de Massacre que dicen que la banda se vendió, tanto por el cambio de sonido en los últimos discos, como la puesta de moda de Massacre. Igual, a pesar de esta ultimo contra, me parece que Massacre por fin recibió el reconocimiento que precisaba y merecía hace tiempo, tanto en ventas, como en publico y reconocimiento en la primera del rock nacional
Bueno gente, así finalizo esta reseña de los discos de Massacre. Y, ya saben: las críticas se hicieron de la forma más objetiva posible siguiendo mis Criterios de evaluación . Espero que les hayan resultado entretenidas. Steiner Stardust